Orkut is not updating well

Most of the Indian’s get in touch via Orkut…

well.. its not updating the user updates..

Whats the problem..and one more thing..i can’t add some of my friends who are having diff language options..its not my problem.. i can Scrap them…but i can’t add them in my friends list..

Hey … why do this happen to me?..

February 10, 2007 В· Pratyush В· 2 Comments
Posted in: Personal

2 Responses

  1. Sarath MS - February 15, 2007

    I think its the new feature of orkut. there is an option in the settings page. the fourth one which says that you can deny invites from people who use languages that differ from the ones in your profile. looks like your friend has this enabled.

  2. Sarath MS - February 15, 2007

    I think its the new feature of orkut. there is an option in the settings page. the fourth one which says that you can deny invites from people who use languages that differ from the ones in your profile. looks like your friend has this enabled.