Archive for the ‘Tech’ Category

Fixing XHTML validator check errors…

My Blog contains a link to XHTML validator check… I tested is showing more than 18 errors in the page.. So Now fixing them…

January 28, 2007 В· Pratyush В· Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

Difference in C++ programes compilation…

Well.. In our Univ…there are 2 compilers available… Microsoft visual studio .NET Dev c++ Which compiler is good..i mean better..okie best????

January 24, 2007 В· Pratyush В· No Comments
Posted in: Tech

Browse Happy….

Just now read a blog regarding How to Browse Happy… check it out… ” Browse Happy “

January 5, 2007 В· Pratyush В· Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

Why vista is Bad?

I found some ariticles at on why vista is bad?? After reading it…answer me..What do you want you use?? Gnu/Linux or ######

December 30, 2006 В· Pratyush В· Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

Reliance R card working with Swecha

My notebook is running with the Telugu Operating system Swecha (స్వేచ్చ ). Now configured Reliance R card Huwai model working with new configuration i.e after upgrading the kernel to 2.6.18 , pills my wireless Lan and PCMCIA support extended and the GSM modem 1.0 is automatically detected…. Now i can use Internet in Swecha ….

November 26, 2006 В· Pratyush В· Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

Project manage ment tool “webcollab”

I just installed a project management tool “webcollab” at Pragna( ) I found it at Sourceforge.. an application good and reliable for small to medium organizations for project status and managements… there is also alternative for large companies like Dotproject.. lets see which is running stable ….

November 23, 2006 В· Pratyush В· Comments Closed
Tags:  В· Posted in: Tech

why WordPress….

I found this damn good blogging gadget… 3 years before… installed in somany organizations..and now installed into mine.. nice themes, and nice dashboard..and nice Ajax.. tell me one reason..why i should not install wordpress??

November 17, 2006 В· Pratyush В· No Comments
Posted in: Tech