Archive for the ‘Tech’ Category

New Sidebar

with the help of Youtube/dev , cialis i have new side bar with Youtube videos which uploaded by me and Flickr Photos too… Watch and enjoy……

April 25, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

Successfully hosted at

with the new hosting features at, sick I just hosted at Google.. Thankyou Google…

April 8, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

Hurriah!..Now I can Tranform Cpanel Servers with Less DownTime

Yesterday, shop I tried my hands on the New Cpanel Servers. I can now Transform full Cpanel Servers with Very less Down time… Thanks for GOOGLE for providing me the DOCS. At last Everything working good…

March 29, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

Assembly Language Program to Print Date,Time and Day of the week

;********************* ;Pratyush kotturu ;No:#28 ;CwID:#500-19-313 ;ASSIGNMENT 1 ; ;********************* ;Started: March 1st 2007 ;Last Modified: March 9th 2007 ;********************* .MODEL    SMALL .STACK    200h .DATA ; Constants and Variable Declarations AsciiOut DB        5 DUP (‘ ‘) ; Output area for To_Ascii procedure ; Display Messages saveday db ? twelve db 4 daystab db ‘Sun$  ‘, site […]

March 12, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

తెలుగు ఇప్పుడు నా బ్లాగ్ లో కూడా వస్తుందోచ్….

స్వే చ్హ వారి సౌజన్యంతో నా బ్లాగ్ లో తెలుగు సాద్యమయిన్ది.

March 12, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

Learning Netware.312

In the first Networking Lab1 Learning Netware 3.12 installation, ed peer-to-peer network and all the stuff…

February 28, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

Connecting Mysql to a PHP form…

Presently hacking how we can store a PHP form data into a MySql Database… The form is submitted to a .dat file…but it is not storing in the localhost database… Hope..i hack that code…

February 20, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

999 Factorials !…..

Its amaging that some body put the 999 factorials in one site along with ‘c’ code… This page contains the ‘C’ code used to do that…

February 14, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: Tech

b0t collection v 0.1

attaching following b0ts collected over internet… Nice practice for begineers who want to write b0ts for Irc…  b0t collection V 0.1 Download and Hack into them…..

February 13, 2007 · Pratyush · No Comments
Posted in: Tech

Got GA in Computer Science Department

Yesterday..I recieved Appointment letter from Dr.Derek Harter, viagra sale Assistant professor-Department of Computerscience and Information systems, Texas a&m University-commerce. I will be working as Research associate in Robotics and AI lab. Presently working on VEX robots and Corvus Project. Hope i will succed in this…………..

January 30, 2007 · Pratyush · 2 Comments
Posted in: Tech