Archive for the ‘general’ Category

Happy Friendship Day….

Hello all, mind I wish you Happy Friendship Day… May you fetch more heights in friendship….

August 4, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
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Once in a Blue Moon….

Yesterday i.e June 30, hospital I have seen Blue moon…… Wow, discount A full Moon, see with Blue in colour and sky is really Awsome…. After Reading about it, the saying ” Once in a Blue Moon” came from this kinda coming because, For every 2 or 4 years, this kinda blue moon appear on […]

July 1, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: general

Ready Made | Trees |

When you see the Topic as ” Ready Made | Trees|” , medical with in a sec, generic you might thought, whats this topic? The Reason,  Why i put the Topic as Ready made trees because, on the way to Dallas, i have seen some plantations stats ” home made Plants “….where i have seen […]

June 28, 2007 · Pratyush · No Comments
Tags:  Â· Posted in: general

Day Light Saving….

When i woke up today, site Strange happend. My Wall Clock is showing 10:35 am where as my Lappy is showing 11:35 am… Stunned… Then had the understanding that Day Light Saving Started. Pch…I lost an Hour in My life….

March 11, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: general

GOogle adsense disabled..

I dont know about the click activities in the site..but today i got a mail from google that..there are some unlawful clicks from the site…so theya are disabling the google adsense to my account… Most of the spammers are using the comments for attacking the blog..daily i am recieving more than 3 spam coments… i […]

February 7, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: general

waiting for SNOW….

according yahoo weather site… the temp in commerce willl be -6 tommarow…. have to see..what will be the atmosphere????

January 15, 2007 · Pratyush · No Comments
Posted in: general, Personal

Now the temp is 5 degrees……

here the temperature is 5 degrees….and what yahoo weather says…at night it may be -3 degrees…. I have to face these……………. 😀

January 13, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: general

What the google is saying…”” Google Trends “” regarding SEX

while checking the a strange thing was shown… in google trends… The top city which is searching the word ” sex ” is New delhi..infact in the second position is Chennai, viagra and mumbai is also in top 10 list… and in languages tab… Tamil is the language in the first place.. […]

January 8, 2007 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: general

How to apply for E.C.N.R in Hyderabad?

well..most of the guys and gals..who are going to USA or any other country need a check in INDIA regarding Emmigration check… The full form of E.C.N.R is Emmigration Check Not Required. The procedure to apply for E.C.N.R is Go to the passport office in Hyderabad and have a form for ECNR its cost is […]

December 8, 2006 · Pratyush · 4 Comments
Posted in: general

Applying For Universities and Visa tips

Take university transcripts   Apply for GRE and TOEFL additional score cards, buy viagra you can find application letter in the and have a creditcard and send it via fax..ETS people will send the score cards to the universities ..but it will take from 10 to 30 days…   After applied for the Universities….give […]

December 4, 2006 · Pratyush · Comments Closed
Posted in: general